Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Very Highest Quality Diamonds...

Coloured Diamonds

Coming Soon!
We have recently purchased a small number of fancy purple coloured diamonds, as shown on our photograph. Natural fancy coloured diamonds are very rare and expensive. These particular diamonds are enhanced or treated. If this fact puts you off owning one, then please stop to consider that every diamond has been enhanced by facetting, and most coloured gemstones are heat treated to enhance their colour. We will add a page devoted to gemstone treatments when we have more time, although we do discuss gemstone treatment on the individual gemstone pages linked to our A to Z of Gemstones section. To the best of our knowledge the treatment is permanent.

Purple Diamonds
We show photographs on the right, of two purple diamonds. The top one is a beautiful bright stone, perhaps a little darker than we would prefer, but still very beautiful and unusual, if anyone out there can suggest an accurate description, we would appreciate your feedback. Some people might think that if they wanted a purple stone they could buy an amethyst, and they would be quite right, although this is a very unimaginative way of thinking. It would be very difficult to find an amethyst as bright and attractive as our diamonds, and even if it were possible to find an amethyst as intense and as sparkly, it would be very expensive. Also, amethysts are nowhere near as hard as diamonds.
The lower stone is very bright, but has slight brown overtones, making it close to a ripe raspberry colour. Both stones are very attractive, and we find it difficult to choose between them.

Rings to Follow Soon
Diamond Solitaires
We intend initially to make a solitaire diamond ring with each of the colours we have. We could, of course, make a diamond pendant, but we tend to specialise in rings. We could always make a pendant to order.

Ear-Rings & Pendants
Our coloured diamonds would make startling solitaire pendants or solitaire diamond ear-studs. Once again, we could always make these to order. Please be sure to allow us plenty of time, it is not quick or easy to find matching stones of the right quality and size. Because coloured diamonds, even enhanced ones, are far rarer than whitish ones, this job is even more difficult. We have never yet seen a matching pair of purple diamonds.

Fashion Leaders & Independent Spirits
Fancy coloured diamonds will only currently appeal to fashion leaders, and not to the sheeplike followers. They will also appeal to those who know their own minds and are capable of thinking for themselves. One day, maybe, coloured diamonds will become "fashionable", and then everybody and his dog will want one. By that time, we at Chard will have moved on as usual. When we say fashionable we really mean "as defined by the media", in other words hyped. It's your choice whether to be a slave or a free spirit.

Unmounted Purple Diamonds
We currently have the following unmounted purple diamonds available:-

WeightShapeDescriptionClarityAvailPer Carat £Price £Price $
0.51RoundDeep PurpleP1, 2 naturals on girdleYes£2,300£1,173$1,654
0.54RoundMid PurpleSI1Yes£2,300£1,242$1,751

Avail = Availability

Notes on Table
Diamond Weight = Diamond weight in carats.
Colour = Diamond Colour (Our Estimate)
Clarity = Diamond Clarity (Our Estimate)
RSP = Retail Selling Price (Our Estimate)

Solitaire Purple Diamond Ring in 18 Carat White Gold
As photographed

Prices & Availability:-

Diamond WeightColourClarityRef #RSP £Price £Price $Available

Orange Diamonds

Brown Diamonds

Pink Diamonds
Judging from the number of enquiries we get for pink diamonds, some pop star must have recently been reported as having acquired a pink diamond. If you would like a natural fancy coloured pink diamond of, say, one carat, be prepared to pay about a million pounds for it! We have recently bought a small parcel of pink diamonds of between 0.16 and 0.29 carats, and are hoping to source more soon.

Natural Fancy Coloured Diamonds
We recently sold the last of a small parcel of natural fancy coloured diamonds. Each was about half a carat, two out of the four sold to a retail jeweller, the other two we sold direct to their new owners. The last one was a striking orange colour.

For unmounted diamonds, please see our Unmounted Diamonds page.

For other unmounted gemstones, please see our Unmounted Gemstones page.

More to follow soon

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